Jl.M.H. Thamrin, Business Park Kav. 135-A
Lippo Cikarang - Bekasi 17550.


We have a number of themes full of hands on science exeperiments and project that are entertaining as sell as educational. The aim is to take the children through a journey of understanding science and help them gain the knowledge they need to understand the world around them while experiencing science as something fun and entertaining

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Music Club has been set up to encourage our students to discover their talents in music, whether in musical instruments, vocal or dance. It ignites all areas of child development and skills for school readiness, including, intellectual, social-emotional, lamguage and overall literacy. It helps the body and the ind work together. Therefore, bringing music into their lives can be a brilliant decision that will help them for the rest of their lives.

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Basket Ball

Physical activity stimulates growth and leads to improved physical and emotional health. It helps kids in character building which help them developed discipline, teamwork and leadership skills

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Chinese Learning

Our mandarin program provides a well rounded mandarin education. In preschool and kindergarden, our program aims in developing listening skills and accurate pronounciation through stories, songs and poems

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New Year Celebration 2017 Charis Global School

New Year Celebration ini kemarin diadakan tanggal 14 Februari 2017 di sekolah Charis Global School.  Banyak kegiatan dalam acara tersebut serta banyak siswa yang antusias mngikutinya, kegiatan tersebut diantaranya adalah  Wall Magazine Competition. Untuk anak-anak kelas 4-6 sendiri dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok untuk mengikuti lomba menghias mading. Tema untuk lomba "Wall Magazine Competition" kali ini bertemakan "FESTIVAL DI DUNIA". Panitia membagi menjadi 5 kelompok untuk membahas festival. Jenis-jenis festival yang dilombakan adalah: Carnevale, Italia Obon Festival, Japan Chinese New Year, China Chuseok Festival, South Korea Holi (Festival of Colours), India Dengan adanya acara seperti ini semoga dapat memotivasi seluruh siswa...

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